Green Business Parks

What is the added value of greenery for your staff?

In the meantime, there are many studies that unanimously show that a green environment makes you healthy. Being able to walk around in greenery, or sit in greenery, or even the view of greenery significantly reduces stress, reducing the risk of burnouts. Moreover, a green environment stimulates creativity and inspiration. Many people get their most brilliant ideas while walking freely in a green environment. Getting your body moving in a natural environment stimulates and creates more positivity. As an employee you can provide a green space for relaxation (walking, sitting, lunch), but there is also a new trend to go one step further: creating green workplaces and consultation areas in greenery. Working in greenery is refreshing and is a welcome alternative to hours of meetings in stuffy rooms.

Green image for your company

A green environment acts as a magnet for positivity: it puts people in a good mood, both employees and visitors. A green welcome is very pleasant and extremely valuable. It is a warm and friendly welcome at the entrance of your company. It indicates how it deals with the environment and makes it clear at a glance what values you attach to as a company. What your parking lot and business premises look like says a lot about how you interact with your employees and your customers. This cannot be underestimated and therefore certainly not negligible. With a well-landscaped green space around your company, you boost the green image of your company in a real and honest way. And we would like to help you with this, because creating more green is our passion!

Make a positive contribution to nature with your company

A green and ecologically well-thought-out business park has a clear positive contribution to nature. What happens to the water in the parking lot: can it infiltrate on site naturally? Do bees and other insects find nectar in the beautiful flower meadow? And as a bonus, there is always a fresh and natural bouquet of flowers at the reception: what a welcome!

Green outside and inside!

You can also pull the green inside. More and more companies are opting for lush green planting in the atrium, dining room or at the reception. It also creates a favorable positive and healthy climate indoors.

Fancy more inspiration?

Gardens for private individuals

Design, construction and maintenance of your garden. Creating your own place, where you can fully enjoy!

Green play landscapes

Design and construction of natural playgrounds, playgrounds and parks where children can play and move freely!


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